
Napisz list do angielskiej uczelni. Napisz skąd dowiedziałeś si o szkole, jakie jest Twoje największe osiągnięcie i czego od nich oczekujesz...

poleca 85% 208 głosów


Dear Sir or Madam,

I come from Poland. I graduated in computer science at Sikorski High School in Poznań. I am interested in studying at the University of Birmingham. I found an information about this school in the internet and newspapers. Course of the study in which I’m interested is 3D designing. Studies in this course seem to be appropriate and in accordance with my interests. A publication of my projects concerning computer technology in GT newspaper is mine biggest achievement. I am learning English for 10 years and my level of knowledge is intermediate. Studying in England is a chance for me to develop my language skills and meet lot of interesting people from different cultures. I’m convinced that study in this course will be pleasing me and it will be a satisfying possibility to acquire vast knowledge. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

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