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5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 19.2.2023 (13:41) - przydatność: 100% - głosów: 1
19.2.2023 (19:58)
The camel is a mammal that is well adapted to living in the harsh conditions of the desert. They are known for their distinctive hump on their back, which is actually a large storage of fat that can be used as an energy source when food and water are scarce. Camels are also famous for their ability to go long periods without drinking water.
   Camels have long legs and broad, cushioned feet that help them to navigate the sandy terrain of the desert. Their thick fur protects them from the scorching heat of the sun during the day, while their wide nostrils can be closed to keep out sandstorms. Additionally, camels have long, thick eyelashes that protect their eyes from the blowing sand.
   Camels are herbivores, which means they only eat plants. They have a specialized digestive system that allows them to extract moisture from the plants they eat, which helps them to conserve water. In addition to being used for transportation and as a source of food and milk, camels are also an important part of the culture of many desert-dwelling peoples. Their resilience and ability to survive in harsh conditions have earned them the nickname "ships of the desert."
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