
Zad 4 str 35 kl 7 

Wyrazy :
at her new school 
I ' m making 
invite her 
next Friday 
to email 
suggest what she 

Zdania :

must remember  ........................ Marty ( in our class last year )
- glad she 's happy ...........................
-  tell her abaut class lunch ..........................................
- tell her what 
- .......................... to the lunch 
- ........................... should bring 

5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 2.1.2019 (17:29)
2.1.2019 (20:06)


- Must remember to email Marty.
-Glad she's happy at her new school.
-Tell her about class lunch next Friday.
-Tell her what I'm making.
-Invite her to the lunch.
-Suggest what she should bring.

Mam nadzieje, że pomogłam ;)
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