
The prince (give) a speech to local community leaders this evening.
2. You are looking very fit and healthy these days!

(You/do) a lot of exercise?
3. You (forever/use) my razor, cant u buy one of your own?
4. The play (not start) until 8:30 so i think we will have time to eat something first.
5. At the place where we lived before, our neighbours (always/have) violent arguments late at night.
6. Do u think (finish) that report by the end of the week?
7. I (wait) for over an hour when barry finelly turned up.
8. Since he (live) here, he ususally been extremely friendly.
9. Julie (eat) nothing but paella since her trip to spain last month.
10. Look out! This boy (fall) off his bike

:) bardzo prosze o pilna pomoc
5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 1.2.2017 (16:23)
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