
Napisz 10 zdań z użyciem przymiotników opisujących siebie lub członków rodziny z podaniem powodu. z

25 pkt za rozwiązanie + 13 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 28.9.2016 (17:21)
zuzia3889382 28.9.2016 (17:27)


29.9.2016 (20:08)
My grandmother is generous, because she often gives me some money to do some shopping.
I don't think I am mean - I like to share my things with other people.
My sister is very confident, she always believes that she can do everything.
I am very hardworking, I always do my homework on time.
My brother is lazy, he's used to go sleep 12 hours a day.
I am easygoing, I feel very well in a group of people.
My mother is very caring, she loves me and the whole family the most.
My father is not very sociable, he'd rather stay at home than go for a party.
My sister is selfish, she mainly thinks only of herself.
I am quiet, because I like silence.
I am often stressed in school, because I am afraid of exams.
My brother is shy, he fears of meeting new people.
I am brave, I am not afraid of problems or new situations.
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