
We weant to the markoplace to buy\set\meet some soveniirs
Let's come\have\get an the train it neod to a few minutes

leaving oarly somorrow i need to set\pack\plan
what time will we get\arrive\come ia York?
Don't worry . They'll have\come\send took to the hotel soon
i'am wait to come\set\get off the coach and around for a bit
5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 5.5.2016 (18:27)
kamila28585 5.5.2016 (18:30)

Błagam o pomoc to pilne

6.5.2016 (19:49)
We want to the (nie wiem o co chodzi xD moze market...ale nie jestem pewna) to buy some souvenirs 
let's get on the train it needs a few minutes 
we're leaving early tomorrow i need to plan
what time we will arrive to NY
don't worry they'll have took us to the hotel soon 
i will wait to get off the coach and around for a bit (nie wiem co dokladnie trzeba bylo zrobic ma kilka bledow tekst lecz niie poprawilam wszystkiego..)sadze ze pomoglam...
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