
Święta w Polsce: Boże Narodzenie, Dzień Nauczyciela, Dzień Niepodległości

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Holidays in Poland

In Poland we have many holidays very much and we are tying the big scale to them. They belong to religious holidays Christmas, the Ester and a lot of different of which to exchange not a way. A Day of the Independence belongs to political holidays. We have also holidays which they aren't counting sie to no categories are these are a Day of Women, a Valentine's Day, a Day of the Teacher.
Families all in Christmas are decorating the Christmas tree and when the first star lights are sitting down to the dinner. They are dividing sie it is a wafer very much important. On the table he must always find sie the carp is it with tradition. A moment the most expected by children is coming after the supper handing out presents. He is sitting at a table sie a long way jast nice family atmosphere, Christmas carols are being sung and at midnight with entire families is going sie to the church to the goosegirl. We are celebrating a holiday on 24 December.

On 14 October we are getting around the Day of the Education differently called the Day of the Teacher. That day pupils don't often have the lesson at schools or they are shortened. They are undergoing sie appeals on which he is cheerfully and very curiously. They are undergoing sie different competitions for teachers and the play, teachers are singing a song and they are being judged by pupils, matches are playing with pupils. Pupils are dressing up as teachers taking a class and they are showing features which are characteristic of the given teacher. The day of the teacher is a holiday which lets improving of relation between pupils and teachers.

On 11 November we are celebrating the Independence Day. There is this political holiday most important for us, thanks to him we appreciate our country, the homeland. That day in the Warszawskim Square they are undergoing sie celebration of this holiday. He is undergoing sie display of the army, a president of Poland is starting to speak remembering how it reached regaining independence, as well as people which were of it with witnesses. At churches masses are taking place thanking the god for this day. He is free from the work.

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