
Język angielski

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Czasowniki nieregularne - ściąga

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Travel broadens the mind.

Everybody wants to broadens their mainds in different ways. People just want to become smarter and smarter while doing something like reading or watching TV. There are many interesting ways of expanding your knowladge but in my opinion travelling...


House for sale/Dom na sprzedaż (tłumaczenie + słówka)

I would like sell a house. There is a house by a river, in the resident area. There are five rooms with two bathrooms. In the living room there is a fireplace. In the front garden there are a lot of trees, flowers and one small summerhouse. We...


Recenzja ksiazki, ktora nie jest warta polecenia | Dzuma /Plague

Last time I read a book "Plague" written by Albert Camus. It is a parabolic novel. It means that described events are unreal and the author would like to tell us about thing which cannot be said straight because of censure. The main character...


Recenzja filmu Szybcy i wściekli: Tokio Drift ( The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift)

My favourite film is ’ The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift’ directed by Justin Lin. It falls into the category of action films. Soundtrack of this film is very good. The music was created by Brian Tyler. The story is first set in USA, and after...


Differences between Polish and British education system

At the moment Polish system of education is being reformed. Here are a lot of questions without answers. In Poland children start education since the age of 3. It’s not an education as like in primary school but it’s a beggining. This kind of...


You were in a bank when you witnessed a robbery. Write your description of the event.

I was very frantic when my mother asked me to go to the bank yesterday morning. When I finally came at 9 o’clock I noticed in edifice, queerly looking, young man wearing sun-glasses and having a big bag. I thought that it is strange that he...


Advantages and disadvantages of professional sports

Professional sports are those in which the participants receive payment for playing, as opposed to amateur athletes. As everything in this world, treating sports as an occupation also has its advantages and disadvantages. The main good point...


Dialog w aptece

A Good morning. Can I help You? B Good morning. I have bad cold. Do you have something I can take? A What symptons do You have? B I have a Headache, chills and runny nose A Do you have a temperature? B yes I have A Are you allergic to...


Testy horizons 2

test 1 i 2


Stopniowanie przymiotników, Liczba mnoga, Forma dzierżawcza, Mowa Zależna - sciąga

Jak w temacie. Są to gotowe ściągawki do druku w formie pliku doc.


Język angielski - czasy

Present Simple Czas teraźniejszy dotyczy czynności regularnych powtarzających się w pewnych odstępach czasu tak regularnych jak i nieregularnych. Określenia czasu: sometimes, usually, often, always, every day, never, seldom He, she, it +...


Advertising - useful or not?

It is often said that advertising is useful and very important in our world, especially in market economy advertising is extremely important. However, in my opinion there are different opinion about this subjects. Firstly, advertising is an...


Gramatyka - czasy, okresy, mowa zależna

THE PRESENT SIMPLE S + adverb + verb ( 3. -s)+... Zastosowanie : * przyzwyczajenia ,czynności zwyczajowe *czynności lub stany mają charakter stały lub powtarzający się THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS...


My favourite city.

Many people have their favourite city. I also have my favourite one. It's called Aberystwyth. It's on the west coast of Wales. It isn't big. I was there two years ago. The city is small but very nice. The bigger part of the town is very old...


Advantages and Disadvantages of Censorship (Pros and Cons) - Tylko first draft

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Censorship Censorship plays a major role in every society and as Shakespeare once said, censorship is ?art made tongue-tied by authority?, but it is not only used to silence people but also to protect them....


The advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car.

Travelling by car has many advantages. First of all you can travel wherever and whenever you want. You can use a car in case of urgency, for example if you want to drive to the doctor you don't have to wait for a bus. Also you don't have to...


Wypadek na drodze po angielsku

Last Friday I was going to the seaside with my friends. It was already dark and some of my friends, Agnes and Ryan, had already felt asleep. I was talking with the one who was driving, Mark. I was drinking a can of Cola and he asked me to give him...


Czasowniki Nieregularne (irregular verbs)

Verb past simple past particple tłumaczenie to be was,were been...


Moja dieta to co jem każdego dnia.

My diet is well- balanced. I choose healthy products such as fish, fruit and vegetables. I avoid fast food, sweets, crisps and ice- cream. I never drink coffee. I just don't like the taste. I don't like spicy food. I have toeat something before I...


Najciekawsze miejsce w Polsce

In my opinion the most interesting place to visit in Poland is the Baltis sea. In particular the city of Gdańsk.The sea is warth visiting in summer because it is warm and sunny.You can swim and sunbath there.The beaches are beautyfull so you can...


A dangerous adventure - opowiadanie

A year ago, I and my family went on a vacation to ski in Austria. We stopped in a small Austrian town where it was little more than hotels and ski lifts. There were also with us my two friends and their parents. Every day we used to eat breakfast...


„The car - Dream machine or nightmare”?

Modern society couldn’t exist without the car. Cars are very fast and we can travel where we want. In fact, our live is organized around cars. People don’t want to walk, they prefer driving. That’s much easier. The majority of people use cars when...


Polska kuchnia

Polish's cuisine is very varied. Usually we eat a lot of meat,fishs,vegetables and fruits However Sometimes We eat in McDonald. People in Poland have tasty delicacies. Gallimaufry is the most well konwn a dish in Polish's cuisine Gallimafury can...


Czasy przyszłe w języku angielskim - ich użycie

1. be going to be going to + V Jest to zamierzenie, widzimy coś i wyciągamy wnioski Przykład: I am going to do nothing in the afternoon (Mam zamiar nic nie robić po południu) She is going to have a baby (Ona spodziewa się...


" My Town " opis mojego miasta.

Dear John It's nice to hear from you.Let me tell you something about place I live in. My town isn’t very old . During the summertime it becomes a tourist atrraction and one of the most crowdy places in the Polish mountains . Ustroń has also a...


Types of Holiday

Holiday is an extended period of recreation, especially spent away from home or travelling. A break from work or a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done is also called the same way. This means that holiday is a kind of tourist...


My family.

My family is very important for me. Members of my family are my best friends, the people I love. It would be dreadful for me if I lost them. My family help me in many problems, make me fell necessary. I can rely on my parents - they often give me...


Co robiles w wakacje

IN SAMMER HOLIDAY Last summer I went to England. I stayed in London for six days. I had a great time because I saw many beautiful places. On the first day I went on the sightseeing tour around...


List Motywacyjny W Języku Angielskim

Warsaw 30.06.00 Adam Kowalski Farbowana St. 8 Warsaw 00-000 telephone. 888-88-88 ZZZ Sp. z o.o. Mr. Jan Nowak Jasia...


Recenzja z filmu "W pustyni i w puszczy"

Lately I have had apportunity to watch on adaptation of the novel ,,Wpustyni i w puszczy" by H. Sienkiewicz. The film was directed by Gawin Hood- Englishman living in RPA. The leading star in the film are Karolina Sawka as Nel and Adam...


Opinia o na temat ogrodów zoologicznych, angielski

I will give my opinion on zoos topic. I think that this point has got two sides. So, are animals happy in zoos? In my mind, they could be, but it depends on different elements. I mean, if for example animal is hurt, sick or it has some mutation,...


Słówka które nie występują w czasie Present Countinous

Czasowniki które nie występują w czasie Countinous belong to (należeć do) like (lubić) believe (wierzć) love (kochać) feel (czuć) mean (znaczyć) hate (nienawidzić) need (potrzebować) hear (słyszeć)...


Prośba o przyjęcie do pracy

Anna Palenik ul. Mikołajczyka 15...


My favourite mean of transport.

Could you be able to imagin our life without mean of transport? Could you live normally without your car, trains, planes, bikes, buses, taxies ? I think that we couldn\'t. These days people are addicted to these things, almost nobody travels only...


My Biography (przykład).

I was born in 1982 in December. I was born in Szczecin and I have lived here all the time. When I was six, my sister was born. I live in two flats, which are on the same street. The first is my parents flat and the second is my grandmothers. I...


"Tango" review

Egzamin 3. PR, Zadanie 3. Napisz recenzję filmu lub przedstawienia teatralnego, w którym głównym wątkiem jest konflikt międzypokoleniowy, przedstawiony z punktu widzenia jednej ze stron. “Tango” is the title of the play written by Sławomir...


Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie was the most successful writer of detective stories of all time. People all over the world read her stories of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. But when she died in 1976 there was a final mystery: why did she disappear for elewen...


Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens

This story is about little boy, called Oliver Twist. Oliver was an orphan because his mother died after his birth and his father died before his birth. His father died in Italy about 1830 because of fever, incurable ill. Oliver was living in a...


Słówka, dział : człowiek

CZŁOWIEK Friendly – sympatyczny, koleżeński Bossy – apodyktyczny Shy - nieśmiały Talktive - rozmowny Outgoing - towarzyski Reserved - niegadatliwy Helpful - pomocny Cynical - cyniczny Hard-working - pracowity Naïve - naiwny Lazy -...


A czy An - przedimki - jak poprawnie używać

Przedimki sprawiają uczącym się wiele kłopotów, pewnie także dlatego, że nie mają odpowiednika w języku polskim... Najkrócej mówiąc przedimki to krótkie słówka określające jakiś rzeczownik - no dobrze, to troche mało wyjaśniająca definicja. Ale...


Zgłoszenie reklamacji do skelpu jakiegoś towaru.

Der Sir/Madam I’m writing to you concerning a Tv set (Samsung) that I purchased several 2 months ago from one of yours dealers here in London. From your ads, I was led to believe that your audio equipment is the best available on the market....


Present Simple

Present Simple - jest to pierwszy czas , który określa czynności wykonywane w teraźniejszości . Stosuje się go do wyrażenia czynności powtarzających się , wykonywanych zawsze lub w odniesieniu do uczuć oraz zamiłowań . Charakterystyczne...


Saint Andrew's Day - Andrzejki

Tej pracy nie znajdziecie nigdzie indziej, ponieważ dodałem ją tylko do serwisu !! (chyba że ktoś inny to zrobi) ;-) Andrzejki or Saint Andrew's Eve is a traditional festival celebrated in Poland on the night of 30th November since...


Elvis Presley

When Elvis Presley, the king of Rock n n Roll, died in 1977, President Carter called him "a symbol of America." At the time of his death Elvis was already a legend, and his attraction remains unbroken in spite of seventeen years that have passed...


Niedawno się przeprowadziłeś. Napisz list do kolegi z Australii.

- napisz, że się przeprowadziłeś i podaj powód - opisz miejscowość, w której teraz mieszkasz - napisz co widzisz przez okno swojego pokoju - podaj swój adres i telefon Dear John, Thank you for your last letter. I am very sorry I haven't...


The worst holiday in my life.

Just after I finished elementary school three years ago, my Mum and I decided to go somewhere a long distance from noise and clamour of the big city. We did not want to stay in hotel but we did not want to camp too. That is why we asked my Mum’s...


To - infinitive, -ing form

Verbs followed by -ing form -enjoy -it's no use -there's no point in -what about -can't stand -can't wait -don't mind it's worth -looking forward to -avoid -deny -admit -risk Verbs followed by to infinitive -decide -agree -refuse -exept -manage...


Dialog u lekarza

- Good morning! - Good morning! Please have a seat. What’s the problem? - I have chills, runny nose and fever- 38, 6⁰ for 6 days. - OK. Open your mouth and say AAA… - AAA… - Your tonsils are red spot. Have you got a sore throat too? - Yes, I...


Biografia Mozarta (Biography of Mozart)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756. Mozart was a great child and when he was six, he traveled with his father and sister on Europa and he was in many concerts. Amadeus could know many kinds of music and met famous...