
What are the most common eating habits in Poland. Do we eat in a healthy way?

poleca 87% 103 głosów


Eating is an inseparable part of humans life. Poles, just like people all over the world,
have different eating hibits which are usually unhealthy. This might be the main reason of many
dangerous diseases and cause problems to people who do not eat properly.
Althoug we live in Poland, our cuisine is often influenced by other nations eg. United States
Polish people often imitate the Americans lifestyle, so they tend to concume hamburgers, hot dogs, crisps, drink coca-cola etc. People usually do not realise how serious consequences eating fast food may have. When someone follows to a bad diet he can bacome obese and turn into a '' couch potatoe '', just like many american children. Unfortunately, noxious food lead into much more serious trouble like depression,
High blood preassure or sometimes even a heart attack.
People in Poland are often overworked and do not have time to eat a solid meal. They board in some kind of bars, small restaurants where the food is of good quality. They are used to have three or four meals a day, eat a lot of meat, fat and potatoes. Some people even wake up at night and have a snack, of course unhealthy eg sweets.
In my opinion, Poles generally do not eat in a healthy way, which is mainly caused by the influence
of differnet cultures and our lifestyle. I think that peple should not always eat what they enjoy. It os more important to stick a healthy diet than to please your own likes and preferences.

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