
SHOOL VIOLENCE Is it a problem in Polish schools? Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been or known a victim?

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Most students claim that school in no longer a safe and nice place and they are agree that violence is one of the greatest school problems this days. Some young people think that violence encourages (zachęcać) others to respect them. Sometimes there are school gangs which terrorize the powerless (słabszych) students. The victims of aggression are often the younger or weaker students. The cases of beating, beguiling (wyłudzanie) money are not uncommon (nie powszechne). It’s difficult to cope with this problem because terrorized students don’t tell anybody about this violence is dark side of school. It’s unpleasant especially for the first grade students who are bullied by the older ones. They have to suffer brutality only because they are new and inexperienced. The pure relationships between teachers and students, school terrorism and also drug problem cause that school is disliked, by many of young people.

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