
Replace the (underlined) expressions with pronouns and rewrite the sentences
przykład (Our grandmother and grandfather)

live with (me and my brothers)
                        (They live with us)    to co jest w nawiasie to w tekscie  jest podkreślone

A o to przykłady
1 (Danny) loves (Isabel).
2 (My boyfriend and I) don't like (meat)
3(_Our teachers) help (me and my classmates) with (our homework)
4(My parents ) visit (my grandparents) every Saturday afternoon
5(My brothers and I) play football with (John)
6(Mrs Field) uses (her computer) every day
7Do (you and your friends) wand to have lunch with (me and my friends)

5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 22.11.2014 (22:28)
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