
Complete the sentencess with the corect from of the correct verb in brackets. Include a pronoun where necessery.
1. the

room was full, so he needed to take a deep breath before he ............. . (go in/ go in for)
2. the teacher didn't notice that we hadn't done the homework. We ............. . (get away/ get away with)
3. The starter wasn't very tasty, but the main course............ . It was delicious! (make up/ make up for)
4. I didn't answer the phone becouse I .............. yet. ( get up/ get up to)
5. If you understand a word, ............. in the dictionary. (look up/ look up to)
6. If you make a promise, you shouldn't ............ . ( go back/ go back on)
5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 21.2.2018 (16:39)
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