
Kto pomoże mi zrobić ?
zadanie 1 . dopasuj początki do końców zdania .
1. The johnsons live this village
2. The

johnsons have been living in this village
a) for five generations.
b) and don't often visit their relatives in town
3. I've ironed
4. I've been ironing
a) all your shirts
b) since breakfast
7. I have known Julia
a) since i came to live here
b) very well
8. I've been cooking
9.I've cookied
a) all day
b) enough food for twenty people
zadanie 2 . wybierz właściwe formy czasownika
1 . Hallo, are you our new neighbours ?
a) yes , we've moved in b) been moving in today
2. why is your shirt wat ?
a) i've done b) been doing the dishes
3. mum , i'm leaving now
a) have you made b) been making your bed ?
4. you look tired
a) i've mowed b) been mowing the lawn since lunch
5.let's buy some new things for the bathroom
a) but have we paid b) been paying the rent yet?
zadanie 3 dopasuj wyrazy i zwroty 1-3 do wyjaśnień a-c nieznane wyrazy sprawdź w banku słowa
1. accommodation
2. a housing estate
3. an en-suite bedroom
a) is an area where many blocks of fiats were planned and built at the same time
b) has its own bathroom
c) means somewhere to live or stay
zadanie 4. uzupełnij wyrażenia opisujące domu słowami z tekstu
1.............. ceilings
2......... floors
3. lovely..... .... furniture
4............ appliances
5 a roof ......
6. a wonderful.............. over the rooftops
25 pkt za rozwiązanie + 13 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 27.5.2017 (18:57)
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