
Comparatives, superlatives, comparisons. Correct the ones.
1.The weather is worst today than it was yesterday.

drive slower. You‘ re going too fast.
3.I the test. I‘ ll work more hard next time.
4.That joke is funnier that the last one you told.
5.Carlos doesn’t speak as quickly that David.
6.Portugal played the better than Greece.
7.Classical music is boringer than rock music.
8.Basketball is most popular than baseball in the USA.
9.She ist he most impatient person I know.
10.The river ist dirtier I have ever seen.
11.That is the stupidest thing I have ever done.
12.It’s the noisyest hotel I have stayed in.
13.Tokyo is least expensive than London.
14.The furthest I’ve ever flown is Australia.
15.Tim speaks French as good as Mike.

5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 18.5.2017 (11:09)
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