
Przetłumaczy mi to ktoś na angielski plzz ( czas present continus i simple)
1.Sekretarka często pisze na maszynie

/>2.Codziennie o siódmej piętnaście rano spaceruję z psem.
3.Mechanik często naprawia samochód
4. Oni biegają teraz w parku
5. Ona zawsze mnie chroni
6. Czy ona krzyczy na ciebie teraz
7. Czy spotykasz się z przyjaciółmi po szkole
5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 6.9.2017 (18:37)
aciiaa 29.9.2017 (19:19)

1. the secretary often writes on the machine.
2. Everyday at seven o'clock in the morning I go on a walk with the dog.
3. A mechanic often repairs a car.
4. They are now running in the park.
5. She always protects me.
6. Is she shouting at yoy now?
7. Do you meet up with your friends after school?

9.9.2017 (15:16)
1. The secretary often writes on the machine. 2. Every day at seven o'clock in the morning I walk with the dog.
3. A mechanic often repairs a car.
4. They are running now in the park.
5. She always protetcs me.
6. Does she scream at you now?
7. Do you meet friends after school?
Przydatne rozwiązanie? Tak Nie
11.9.2017 (16:21)
1. The secretary often writes on the machine 
2. Every day at seven o'clock in the morning I walk with the dog.
3. A mechanic often repairs a car
4. They are running now in the park
5. She always protects me
6. Does she scream at you now?
7. Do you meet friends after school?
Przydatne rozwiązanie? Tak Nie