
Definition of "Beauty Today"

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Definition of ?Beauty Today?

What is perfect defined beauty today? Is it having the best body, perfect hair, coolest clothes, and best looks? Many women looking for magazines to new fashion and appearance, motivated to look and be like the women in the advertisements because it is what the world says beauty is.
Beauty is most women?s main concerns, especially as they are growing up. They admire women in magazines and on television, dreaming to be just like them. But no one has the perfect smile, perfect skin, or perfect hair.
Many advertisements put forth an image of perfection that is not realistic for most women. Today, advertisers project an image that is meant to be the normal for women today. Women are supposed to look and strive to be like the women in advertisements, or they are not looked at as beautiful. Today in magazines, beauty is defined as something much different than it really is.
The definition for beauty has changed so much throughout the past ten years. The definition in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary reads: Beauty- the combination of qualities that make something pleasing and impressive to listen to or touch, or especially to look at. Beauty used to be seen as the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations, a meaningful design or pattern, or something else. For women, due to magazines and television ads, trying to be beautiful has become more stressful. It is defined as having a perfect body consisting of being super skinny with barely any curves; having clear, beautiful, blemish-free skin; perfect long hair with no split ends; perfectly straight, glowing white smile; perfect fashionable clothes. All these things are supposed to get the perfect guy.
Advertisers use these perfect women to show off any type of product, even when it really has nothing to do with women.

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