
Do you agree with Aldous Huxley's statement "Thanks to words, we have been able to rise above the brutes; and thanks to words, we have often sunk to the level of the demons."?

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Did you ever think about the World without language? What could it be if there weren?t sounds and letters? Aldous Huxley once said: ?Thanks to words, we have been able to rise above the brutes; and thanks to words, we have often sunk to the level of the demons.? Is it really true that the life that we live nowadays wouldn?t be the same without the words that we use? And was he right saying that we are just like demons because of the words that we say to others?
To some extent I have to admit that Huxley was right. First of all: hundreds years ago the Roman Empire was able to conquer Germanic tribes because their culture was more sophisticated ? especially the language and writing. And even earlier , in the ancient Egypt there was some kind of cult of people who could write.
Nowadays we can still see such a phenomenon. We, who can write and speak using proper language, are above brutes ? uneducated, stupid inhabitants of slums and suburbs. But we are demons too, especially administrative demons. Maybe you haven?t ever had to wait in an enormous queue, but our parent have, many times. And after hours spent on waiting what did they receive? Demonic looks and an incomprehensible flow of words! And this isn?t the worst thing. The real demons of words are those who use them to hurt other people. Words have great power and we don?t even notice it while using them. And sometimes it is too late to take back something you have already said.
So, what would it be like if we used only that words which are clear for everyone and don?t hurt anybody? Many thoughts could lose their proper meaning ? (consequently, ) we wouldn?t be able to describe the world around us. There would be many gaps without names and explanations. Our language would be poor and boring. And, what is important is that we would be just good at speaking as brutes. The brutes for whom we are demons.

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