
The Internet - useful or dangerous ? - rozprawka

poleca 85% 269 głosów


The Internet is a focus of a lot of discussions. It has its good and bad points. Although the Internet can be dangerous, fro some people it has more advantages than disadvantages.

The first advantage is that the most popular way of using the Net is e-mail (electronic mail). In an hour's time the users of the Net can send an important message to one hundred thousand people. For example, on the basis of e-mail, people of common interests form groups and discuss politicis,feminism,modern art and numerous other issues.

The second argument is that nowadays, approximately about one third of the Net users do shopping on a computer. For instance, some companies specialize in virtual shops. It is comfortable to not need to go out, to park a car, a to queue.Moreover, intermarkets offer a greater variety of products than supermarkets.

Another advantage is that the Internet can be useful in medicine. For example, the Internet makes it possible for a doctor to perfrom surgical operations on patients by remote control.

Nevertheless the Net has also disadvantages. For instance, the Net is sometimes used for malicious purposes. Some hosts exhibit pornographic pictures or insert vulgar text on it what can be dangerous for children and teenagers.

Talking everything into consideration the Net can be sometimes dangerous, but in my opinion being a member of the Internet family is undoubtedly very useful.

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