
Prejudices are destructive and they make our lives harder. Do you agree with the statement? Justify your opinion.

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I totally agree that prejudices not only do nothing good in case of people's relations but also make our lives harder.
Firstly I would like to explain what, to me, prejudices are. Those are all the negative stereotypes and opinions that we have on people who we do not know. We judge them considering the way they look or bahave and we often get the wrong first impression. People also tend to rely on what others say about certain things or persons instead of forming their own opinions. This is exactly how the prejudices work.
The most common source of prejudices and intolerance, which is often connected with it, is the ignorance. Those who criticize and insult others in many cases do not understand other people and at some point fear them as well. Their knowledge about other countries and cultures is very limited and they are not willing to change it. Such people are unfortunately hard to deal with because they do not want to hear any explanations and do not want to be convinced otherwise.
Another cause for rising xenophobia is that in today's world societies are not homogeneous anymore and consist of people of different nations. In everyday life we can notice many ethnical differences that are highlighted by different customs, languages or religions. Not everyone is able to accept and tolerate those differences. But certainly people differ not only ethnically. Some are discriminated due to their clothes, music they listen to or their views on life. This is also one of the reasons why we might find it hard to talk to some people because of their hostile behaviour.
Summing all up, I would like to observe that prejudices have quite a big influence on our lives and unfortunately in most cases is this influence bad. Prejudices lead to intolerance and xenophobia which turn people against one another and we can predict the consequences. We should do our best to overcome them and convince people to be more open towards others.

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