
Cultural Adaptation

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Some people are afraid of leaving their own country. They don't know what is out there. The thought of how their lives can change and how other cultures and people can affect their lives scares them. Another reason to just stay in your native country is that you will lose contact with family and friends and that scares people even more. I wasn't scared at all when I was leaving my native country. From my earliest years I was and I still am curious about everything that surrounds me.
When I came to the United States my first impression was very positive. I was amazed by almost everything; there were new cars, different streets, different people.
I needed a couple of days to get used to the time difference. I slept most of the day and watched TV during the night. Later I started to explore the neighborhood. Everything was like from the movies I used to watch. At the same time I felt lost because I didn't know anyone besides my family, and I missed my old friends. That was the time when I wanted to go back.
Everything changed when school started. I was surprised how many people were there from my own country. I met lots of people and made many friends. Everything appeared much easier because when I had a problem I had someone to ask. They introduced me to and explained how American life works. They told me what I can do and what I shouldn't. Many things were the same as in my native country, but not everything. For example, in Poland during the time of Halloween, people visited the graves of their relatives. Here it is something totally different.

At the beginning I couldn't understand why kids were wearing costumes and Trick-or-treating. I found my answer on the Internet when I typed Halloween on a popular search engine. Another example of cultural difference that I never experienced in my country was Thanksgiving Day. However my family quickly adapted this holiday and we had big turkey on our table every year.
Spending some time in United States showed me that even though people came from different parts of the world and were raised in different cultures, they could exist together peacefully. They are creating a new unique culture from the best pieces of their native ones. Thus, they are making one that is not perfect, but that is something which most of them accept and treat as their own new culture.

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