
Peter Wilkins and his history

poleca 89% 102 głosów


Peter Wilkins looked up he sky. The weather was hot and sticky. He was looking for an old forgotten cave. When he was walking through the jungle, he noticed a huge black shadow. He started to run. After a few minutes running, he saw a big hole in the ground. 'It must be that' - said Peter. When he came there, he could not believe what he saw. There were so many diamonds and glittery jewels. He started rapidly packing them to his bag. 'They are mine, all mine' - he said still packing diamonds. When he was ready to exit, he heard a strange voice. 'These diamonds belong to the Gods. If you like them, you will have to stay there, forever!'

Peter could not believe what had happened. He thought that was a joke. He looked around him and he did not see anybody. He did not believe in that and he was still packing diamonds. When he wanted to escape, he noticed that huge stones blocked the way to the exit. Then he began to find another way, but he could not. He sat on the glitters and started to cry. Then, he remembered the words of the strange voice: 'You will stay there, FOREVER!'

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