

poleca 86% 101 głosów


My grandmother is now 68 years old. She has oval face which is a bit wrinkled. Her hair are sholder-length and red. She has hazel eyes, double chin, thin eyebrows and lips. She is short and a bit fat. But she still looks beautiful.
She was born in 1933 in Katowice. When she was young she went to school, where she had to work hard. Teachers before the Second World War were different than today. They were more agressive and they weren’t forgiving. She went to school also during the Second World War. It was hard because she had to learn German.

She is very fit as for her age. She likes watching TV and reading books or magazines. She still has strength for cooking and she does it very well. Her dinners and especially cakes are delicious! She likes talk about her past. She experienced many interesting and sometimes (during the Second World War) dangerous adventures. She also met many interesting people and has seen many interesting places in Europe.
She is optimist and she believes that tomorrow will be better than today.

She always help me and I can count on her in every situation. She is the best grandma and my best friend at the same time. That’s why I love her.

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