
Advertising - yes or no

poleca 87% 102 głosów


Generally speaking, the advertising is a piece of information supporting by an announcement. On its purpose it has got inclining people to buy something, use some things or to promote and back up somebody. The advertising can be different - from really honest picture of the situation to praising something too much. First kind is usually used in good newspapers instead the second the most often in TV or something like that. The advertising has a lot of its functions. For example, it can be educational, informational or competing. However, it has both its advantages and disadvantages.
First of all, advertisements are a source of information. People are informed about different kinds of the same products. So when they go to the supermarket or place similar to it and they know something about a lot of products they can find there it easy for them to find a thing they are interested in.
Secondly, adverts make products cheaper. Manufactures compete with one another and they want to be the best. Well then, the prices of goods are lower and customers can benefit on it.
Moreover, advertisements are nice. The point of advertising is to attract people’s attention. So many adverts are funny or very interesting – customers easier can remember them and associate with specific product.
On the other hand, adverts very often supply with wrong information. They persuade people gently to buy things they don’t need. Publicists use a lot of ways to attract people. Customers waste their money.
Besides that, advertising is an unproductive industry. It doesn’t make any products but only spent money and makes demand for goods that customers haven’t got lack of it.
However, the end justifies the means. Some people do everything to sell their products and the other get the harmful effects.
To sum up, the advertising isn’t good for use. It would be better if people can choose what they need alone. Personally, I don’t like adverts and I think they destroy our brain in the same way as television.

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