
The best things in life are free. Rozprawka (251 words)

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Nowadays, when money has a great power, it is a controversial question, if 'the best things in life are free'. Some people claim that it is nothing free now and even some things are impossible to buy.
I will take into consideration every pro and con and ascertain how it really is.
Firstly, feelings like love and friendship are certainly free. These are things which people can not buy at no price. What we have in our hearts, is not for sale. We love our friends for who they are, not for their money, cars or how they look like. Friendship must be honest and real. Everyone knows this proverb: 'A friend in need is a friend indeed'.
Secondly, motions like smile, kiss and hug are very important in our life and they are also free. We must not pay for kiss our love or smile to someone.
On the other hand, people give out a lot of money for pleasures. Every film in the cinema, meal in the restaurant, book, call, clothes, CD - it costs. The fanciers of expensive and luxurious cars or motors know that these kinds of things decisively are not free.
There are also some people who claim that the best free things are from for example some shops or markets, where they can bring them away.
In sum, the ascertainment that the best things in life are free may arouse mixed feelings. One I hope is that feelings and emotions - immaterial things, will forever stay free.

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