
Podróżowanie rozszerza horyzonty. Czy do końca się z tym zgadzasz? (travel broadens the mind!. How far do you agree with this?)

poleca 85% 376 głosów


In the last years tourism has really taken off. The tourist industry will soon be the largest industry in the world. Now more than 600 million tourists a year travel the globe. Travelling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier.
There are people who travel on business, science or politics. Many young people leave their countries to study, but most of people want to see something new and different from what they are used to seeing. Vast numbers of them want to visit the world’s most treasured sites: the Parthenon, the Mediterranean, Stone henge.
Naturally there are both pros and cons of tourism. One advantage is that travelling broadens people’s mind because they visit museums, theatres, galleries and other places of interest. For instance: when they visit castles and palaces they learn the history of royal families. This kind of travel educates them. They widen their knowledge about the things that they read about. In addition people get more sensitive and open to art. Another good point is that people can see a lot of interesting and beautiful spots. They can meet a lot of different people from foreign countries. Tourists can come across various cultures and religions of many nations. Tourists can see how other people live, behave and what they think.
However there are many disadvantages. One is that people destroy environment. They litter beaches and other places, they also often don’t keep to the trails but step over the wild plants and places of natural beauty. For example the Mediterranean is the dirtiest sea in the whole world or the Tatra Mountains are being destroyed by crowds of tourists every year. Another drawback is that tourists devastate monuments - they chiselled into rock their’s sign.
On the minus side is that travel costs a lot of money and most of people will never see these sites because they haven’t got so much money. We should remember that many places are under the threat of destruction. Many replicas have been built for instance - the prehistoric cave paintings at Lascaux in France have been closed.
Until recently, we all believe that travel broadens the mind, but now many of us believe the exact opposite ”Modern travel narrows the mind”.
In my opinion it depends on people. There are people who want to see as much as possible but they don’t destroy anything.

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