
My best friend

poleca 85% 119 głosów


I know Lilly since 1989, when we first met in a local crèche and since then we are still the best of friends.
Physically, Lilly looks like a little girl and nobody would say she is 20. She is short height and have a good figure. Her oval face is framed by a mass of long, wavy blond hair with fridge. She has fair complexion and gorgeous, deep-set blue eyes with long eyelashes. She prefers wearing elegant clothes, so she is always well-dressed and nice-looking. She is also the kind of person who really cares about oneself.
As for her personality, Lilly is ambitious, talkative, cheerful and warm-hearted. She is very responsible, therefore, you can always count on her when you have a problem. She always behaves in a very friendly and polite manner. However, she tends to be quite stubborn and forgetful. Once she was giving back my CD’s over a year.
Lilly spends most of her free time with friends or her boyfriend. One of her biggest hobbies is listening to music. Her favorite is techno, she can listen to it for hours.
All in all, Lilly is a perfect friend and I know she will never let me down. Since the day in the crèche, we have grown very close over the last 17 years. I am very found of her, even if I am not in favor of techno music playing on and on.

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