
How to negotiate the right salary?

poleca 89% 101 głosów


When you're involved in a salary discussion, think of the figure you want, add on some more, tell your interviewer the figure and stay perfectly quiet. Successful negotiation needs poker-faced determination, a high opening offer, an air of confidence in one's value in the market-place and a willingness to walk away.
Follow these rules to get what you deserve:
ASK FOR EVERYTHING YOU WANT. Decide in advance what you think is fair in terms of hours, compensation, holidays, bonuses and job description. Look for a 15 per cent rise in salary when moving jobs and only ever consider moving to a lower-paid job for more job satisfaction or for better long-term opportunities.
SELL YOURSELF HARD. You've got to have some kind of rationale as to why you think you deserve to be paid the amount of money you are asking for - why you're worth it. At all costs, avoid cliches such as, "I like working with people". This statement is true of just obout everyone but serial killers.
GIVE YOURSELF TIME. Once you're offered the job, say you want it but would like a day to think over the salary offer. That way the next time you talk, salary has become a purely academic issue. The next day, say you want the job but feel that your skills are more in line with X,000. Companies usually have 2,000 to negotiate with.
LISTEN FIRST AND BE CREATIVE. If your boss wants more work from you, then ask for a better title, a more flexible schedule, or the opportunity to be involved in more exciting projects and interesting meetings.
BE WILLING TO WALK AWAY. Before your meeting, call a head-hunter and let competitors and contacts at other companies konow you'd be willing to consider a move. Create as mamy options for yourself as possible. If you have another offer before you talk to your boss, it shifts the power back in your favour.
BE PROFESSIONAL AT ALL TIMES. If you think you're underpaid, underappreciated and undervalued, simply explain why to you boss. This is the best way to get what you deserve. Or keep a log of your accomplishments, which you can bring up at your next review. If you want your work to be noticed, send your boss a memo updating her on your contributions to an important project you've been working on.
BE REALISTIC. In a shrinking economy, sometimes any job, no matter what it pays, is a good one. So don't price yourself out of the market.

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