
Advantages and disadvantages of alternative medicine

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Over the past few years people have changed their attitude to conventional methods of treatment and more likely try alternative medicine. Is it only a new trend or maybe the most efficient manner to back on one’s feet? Below I display some advantages and disadvantages of alternative therapy.

Herb treatment, acupuncture, homeopathy or aromatherapy – nowadays people are surrounded by these names and it’s nothing new that someone leave traditional methods and replace them by unconventional ones. When all of conventional treatments disappointed us we are automatically searching for something new. First undeniable advantage of alternative medicine is the fact that it consist of a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies. Thanks to this everyone can find something suitable for his ailment.

Furthermore, we can practise many of alternative methods of treatment in home and the cost of therapies is in many cases surprisingly low. For a basic set of herbs or oils to aromatherapy we pay not more than a few zlotys while modern specimens and remedies are very expensive and many people can’t afford them.

On the other hand, although acupuncture and chiropractic fees are sometimes covered, most of alternative treatments are not reimbursed by health insurance, which is definitely one of disadvantages of this kind of medicine.

Despite the fact that unconventional methods have many benefits as complements or alternatives to conventional therapies, these kinds of products and services are not without their risks to people. For example, improper use of herbal remedies can create a host of problems for older persons, who may have different responses to these products when compared with younger adults.

What is more, the current interest and enthusiasm directed towards alternative treatments is understandable, but the full risks and benefits of them are still unknown so we can’t be sure about possible effects of therapy.

In my opinion person before choosing one of approachable methods should discuss it with her primary care provider, who needs this information in order to help her to avoid possible complications. Taking everything into account there are many positive sides of alternative medicine, but unfortunately nothing is perfect.

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