
Nowadays fewer and fewer young people are interested in starting a family. What might be the reasons for this phenomen?

poleca 85% 221 głosów


Nowadays we look at the falling number of mariages. Young people have na number of reasons why they don't want to get married.
From a social standpoint, young people aren't interested in starting a family because career is more important to them. They want to have a well-paid job and to be promoted. In the past it was different, people considered family to be the most important thing in their lives.
From an economical aspect, having a family and children mean a lot of financial problems. For childres we must buy clothes, toys, and when they grows up give them pocket-money. Books for school are expensive the new ones, for example, in Poland cost 200-400 zł.
Another reason migh be that government doesn't seem to do all they could to encourage young people to get married and have children. However, in Poland new-born baby's parents reach an extra money called ,,becikowe'', but there's no tax reduction for young people. In my opinion bigger family should pay less taxes.
To finish, I want to say that I notice in my neighberhood, quite many young people get married and starting a family, so it isn't too bad.

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