
External describtion of my boyfriend

poleca 87% 101 głosów


I would like to describe my boyfriend- Radek. He is rather slender and robust with bulging muscles. He is often stooped which makes him smaller than he realy is. Playing in a basketball team makes his legs sculptured and very attractive. Radek's pale and plain complexion makes him look younger than he is. The skin is quite dry with hundreds of moles. His blond straight hair and blue-green eyes make girls' hearts beat faster. Radek is rather hairy. He has got quite long beard and three-day-facial hair. His nose is slim and little sharp with a small hill. Radek's eyes are quite big but very sparkling. The coulour is mixed- connection of green, blue and grey. With his wide damp and rasberry coloured mouth his smile is always sunny. That is only the outer side of what I love in Radek.

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