
Euthanasia-złe i dobre strony

poleca 85% 176 głosów



Would be helpful to people who are unconscious (nieprzytomni) or they are in coma (śpiączka). Some people say that we should sustain life what ever happened. The question is if we should turn off the machines and let people die. Euthanasia is illegal in most countries in the world.

-we can relieve somebody’s pain
-further treatment only prolongs the agony of death
-if a person has no chances for recovery euthanasia is act of mercy
-a person can be brain-dead so in this case this person would never live normally. There is no point in keeping him a live
-very often victims of car axidents can give organs for transplantation in this way we can help somebody also

-it is moral and wrong
-we never known when the patient can wake up for example :in USA a woman wake up after 11 years in coma , so maybe it is good to wait
-human life is very precious so we don’t have right to stopped

In my opinion euthanasia should be legal because sometimes death is better then life in pain and suffering.

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