

poleca 92% 103 głosów


Dear Mark,
How are you? I hope you're well. It was a nice surprise to hear from you again after so many months.I'm writting to tell you about my adventure. Last time with my friend Monika I was on a self-defense course.
It was on 22nd april this year. This course was in my school, and all students took part in this lesson. Teacher told about bases of self- defense.
The man, who lead the lesson was very smart.He told us how we should care about our safety. He told some interesting and very important things. I'll write you some advices. For example:
1.You must be sensible and prudent
2.When you are in danger, you must be very fast, courageous and you can't run to panic.
3.First of all you must escape dangerous situations, but just in case you should learn some manner of defense.
In my opinion this lesson was very iteresting. I think self-defense is very useful and important for our life. Now i know that for my safety I must know principles of self- defense. I try learn it.
Anyway, I have to finish now. Hope to hear from you.
Regards. All the best.
Lots of love,

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