
I want live in Italy

poleca 85% 282 głosów


This country where i would like to live is Italy . This country is in the south of Europe . Italy is a very old
Country . The history of this country is very interesting.

It is a big country . The population of Italy is about 40 million . The climate of this country is warm and mild . The south of Italy is warmer than the other parts . The summer is hot and the winter is not very cold . The main geographical features of this country are a loang line of the coast ,high mountains in the north and a volcano in the south . The most important river in Italy is the Tiber . The main industries of Italy are the car industry , the machine industry ,textiles and tourism .Italy is famous for many Roman ruins , very many ancient monuments and many other things worthy of seeing . The people in Italy speak Italian . The capital of Italy is Rome .

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