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One of the literey person , with who i could break the ice is Frodo Bagins. Frodo is a key figure of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's novel - "Lord of the rings". Frodo is young hobbit, who takes quiet life, he comes from small, rural town called Shire, and became forced to face a great journey which has influence on the future of the world.
Frodo from young hobbit became a graet warrior, and saved the world. He is brave, wise and clever. I thinh he could became mz friend because he also know what is reallz important in life. He was readz to sacrifice his life ,for wolrd which was uncorncerned for him at all. He is also example of false pretense. His small body-build enforce his helplessness, but like i've just said , that is only pretense. His size became his greatest advantage. And this is also important for me. His self-confident is for me purpose to simulate. He is one big demostration power of unit / might of individualist. He had also many friends, who constitute for him highest value. I also thing that the peaople are most important.
Those features make Frodo's unit worth my friendship. I think our relationship could be long and strong. We had similar characters , so if we only could meet each other, we would became a great team.

autor : (ze)BRO

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