
Dailog about eat.

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=> So, what shall we buy John for his birthday?
B: How about giving a suprise party?
=> That sounds like a good idea.
B: Well, actually I was thinking about my parent's sommerhouse in the country. We could invite some of our friends.
=> Great! Let's invite Susi and Betty with their boyfriends.
B: Ok. We mustn't forget about Paul and Saimon - John's bestfriends.
=> Yes, you are right. Anybody else?
B: I think that my parents won't agree to invite more people.
=> Sure. But still we've got a lot of work.
B: What shall we start with?
=> We should make a shopping list first. We could have a barbecue. What do you think?
B: yes, you are right. We will need some sausages, chicken breast and bread.
=> We should buy a few bottles of ketchup and mustard. We will also need a few packets of crisps and pinats.
B: We mustn't forget about vegetables to make some salads. You are good at making salads, aren't you?
=> Well... not really... I'm not a good cook at all!
B: Oh, come on! All you need to do is chop some tomatoes and green salad, slice a few onions and some cheese and stir everything.
=> Alright. I can try. And you could make your famous bananas.
B: But I can't prepare bananas!
=> Really? Well, all you need to do is to peel a banana, cut it and put some chocolate inside.
B: OK. I like it. And what about drinks?
=> We should buy some bubbly drinks, and a few bottles of champagne to celebrate the ocassion.
B: Oh! And we mustn't forget about the birthday cake and candels.
=> My mother could make one. She is famous for her delicious chocolate cakes.
B: Perfect! We discussed everything.

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