
Young Europeans - differences and similarities

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A closer look at what do we have in common and what separates us

Covered with snow, torn by immense, repeatedly coming snow-drifts, Gdańsk is a perfect place to have a walk. There's nothing to do but relish a solitary time in usually overrun streets. That is why I was undeterred by frost and decided to go out. What struck me as I strolled down the Old City was a jumble of languages I heard. There must have been an international meeting or a conference of some sort, I supposed. Obliterated by a coat of not being known, I observed teenagers from different countries smirking and telling jokes at one another, I unfortunately had to refute the statement that Europe is a great home of all people who live there and that they all treat themselves equally.

I reckon that before we pass our judgement that it is a great shame, we should first reflect on whether it is not a normal situation given an ample of factors that divide us.

One major difference that has always separated Europeans is that imposed by nature. Various climates, manifold approaches and lifestyles yielded the fact that the Mediterranean nations seem to be more cheerful, hospitable and open-minded than any others. It shall not be surprising, though. Surveys carried out by the most esteemed worldwide known scientific institutes have proved that longer exposure to the sun light activates the tissues that are responsible for such 'positive' feelings like happiness, friendship and love. However, it can't be taken for granted that, let's say, Swedes should be intolerant, inhospitable and sad whereas in fact they are widely known as a very nice, fun-loving nation.
On the other hand, the French who should, as science claims, follow 'the Mediterranean pattern', are rather self-centred and claustrophobic. Therefore, due to several preclusive theories, the only thing we can assume is that we create, even though disincilingly, a virtual mosaic on the map of the Europe.

Furthermore, one has to remember that this continent has been a theatre of genocide and bloody wars at least once in every 50-year-time since the Rome had fallen. The palpable proof for this is that Poles still retain hatred for Germans who invaded their country during Second World War and for Russians who later put a leash on Poland. Alongside, Russians will never forget the starvation and harshness of polar winter they had to cope with when

Adolf Hitler had driven them out of their homes during the same war. Indeed, almost every nation has been somehow hurt by others and it may prove utterly difficult to reconcile.

The other thing one should focus on if he looks into differences are the relations between people from different countries of Europe. There's a lot of points worth mentioning, both edifying and drawbacks. For instance, the people of the Western Europe feel nothing but unkindness to all the immigrants coming from the East and the Asia Minor. This is due to the fact that the surge of underpaid workforce takes over the positions of primordial labourers. On the other hand, those immigrants very much look up to Western Societies and find them ultimate, a purpose and a reward for their ordeals. To make matters worse, some people produce ideological explanations so that it is more convenient for those who are 'weaker'. Not only does it cause a number of violent attacks and riots, but what even is worse, it is also put aside in the minds of ordinary human. Summing up, it's all about the money. Economic disproportion is the main factor in describing present situation in Europe. Any additional ones are usually made up by entrepreneurial world in order to disguise the real state of matters.

If one was to draw an overall conclusion now, it should claim that there's no base, no common area on which we could communicate. I, however, strongly believe that it is not a drawback, on the contrary - it is very good for us that we find it hard to get on following the ways our progenitors did because we can turn to completely new areas of understanding one another. The XXIst century will be an age of media with Internet taking the first place. Supposing that in 20 year-time everyone will be known not by his name, but an Internet-nickname instead, who will care for the sound of his surname? Does it sound Turkish, Polish or Afghani? Rather Internetic. The Global Village will be spreading with enormous velocity and soon the entire world will be covered by it. When all the disproportions are gone, all the grievances remitted, all people equal, chances on a par, we'll become a European Society and in longer term a World Society. You should remember ,though, that there is still a long way before we reach it. One is sure - it's up to our generation, it's up to us!

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