
Unfortunately you forgot to reconfirm your return flight from a holiday destination and as a result you find there are no seats available...

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Unfortunately you forgot to reconfirm your return flight from a holiday destination and as a result you find there are no seats available...
There are a number of things which need to be done.

Dear Michael,

I am writing to ask you for some help. Unfortunately I forgot to reconfirm my return flight from Costa Brava and as a result I find there are no seats available. The airline has told me that the earliest free seat available is on the
11th July flight.

This is a problem for me, because there are a number of things which need to be done at home. Can you do me these favours ?
Firstly there are three bills in the button drawer under the TV set which should be paid by 10th July The money is put aside in the cupboard,
Then there is a tailor made costume to collect before 8th July because they start holidays on 9th July and I need it badly for an appointment with new customers from Spain on 15th July. Don't worry it has been paid for already.

Next , an appointment with a dentist was arranged for 8th July. Please call and postpone it, the number is 757 03 91.
On top of all these the guests from France are coming on 9th July at 6 o'clock in the evening.I was supposed to pick them up from the airport and take them to stay with Mary and John (their phone 666 55 66). The flight will be from Paris (its number is AFR 99 77).
Finally , take the documents which were translated for the company "Holiday Travel" and deliver them for / on 9th July(154 Puławska Street).
I hope that everything is clear for you , I would be grateful if you could do all these things (arrangements) for me..

Yours Annie

PS By the way. Could you make a dinner reservation at the French restaurant for both of us when I get back ?

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Czas czytania: 1 minuta