
My opinion about the world in the future...

poleca 85% 176 głosów


In my opinion, the world won't be a good place in the future. I think that we will destroy the world. Maybe some phenomas will destroy our world, too. I'm not sure that all people will be friends. I'm convinced that somebody would like to destroy our world. I hope that we'll find life on other planets. Maybe we will live in other planets. I'd like to know new planet. I'm not sure if on the world will be machine. In our country - I don't think so. I think that we'll have good leaders. I think that leaders will be mens. Definitely. I'm not sure if aliens live, but I hope that they live. I think that if they live, they will be friendly. I think so that the world won't be a good place in the future, but I continually hope that the world however will be a good place.

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