
A first holiday of our kid.

poleca 86% 101 głosów


In order to secure a successful first holiday for our kid it is recommended to meet several requirements. I find the timing and the journey circumstances the most crucial ones. The examples of considerations to be taken into account when timing is a case in point are: a post-natal baby is too fragile and sensitive to face the hardships of even a short trip; or compulsory vaccinations, the period of which should be spent at home for the obvious reasons of comfort and health services availability. Proper journey conditions are another example of a demand to fulfil. Travelling is a new experience in our babe’s life; therefore it may be very stressful for him/her. There are some ways to decrease the level of anxiety, such as: taking a favourite toy of our child with him/her and maintaining his/her daily routine (meal hours etc.). The distance and duration of a journey is also important. It should not be too long and when we are going to go by car, the driver should take breaks at least every 45 minutes in order not to fatigue the child. As one can see we do have some serious duties to perform when taking our babe for its first holiday. However, if we carry them out and add some feeling and loving care we may sleep tight and expect the holiday to be a favourable event.

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