
What are the advantages and disadvantages of alternative medicine

poleca 85% 133 głosów


I'm for alternative medicine. I like different things and that type of medic has some magic inside. Of course it may be dangerous, but what is fully safe?
An argument for it is one thing- it really works. It maybe too mistic for some people, but facts talk to most scientific minds.
In other point of view we don't know why it works (or doesn't work), what forces are used, what plants are mixed etc. Our body is very sensitive and what helped one of us can be dangerous for another.
I have rather hazardious personality and I would like to try alternative medicine. I believe that knowledge which is thousands of years old is well-tried. I know there can be cheaters but I believe doctors. There are fans of alternative medicine who can teach other how to use it and how to defend ourselves from taking something like that, instead of cure.

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