
Dishonesty at work.

poleca 88% 101 głosów


There are many kinds of dishonesty at work. Not only employees could be dishonest but employers too. They could for example practise mobbing. This happend when one who is on a higher position unbasedly and permanently bother one who is on a lower position. A victim feel humiliation and it can bring health worsening.

We should also remember about dishonesty at public offices, where officials take braibs for arrange or make same case arrange quicker.
There was a loud case concerning dishonest in Piła; the manager of TP SA Piła was stealing his company accepting big comapnies invoices for investments which have never exists, for this gratefully owners of the companies helped him to build imposing residence. In this way the TP SA lost 600 thousand zloty. Mechanizm of this operation was easy and had it begining in making department which belong to TP SA. The department was realizng investments foresaw in telecommunication’s budget and beacause of it is a part of TP SA it has worked at it’s own’s expense. In the effect after every accomplishment big part of budget stay inexploited. In public prosecutor’s opinion exactly these money come across to manager’s acquaitances( the bosses of private comapnies). His aquaitances know abot auctions at the first place befor they were published.

Another way of dishonesty is plagiarism; thid kind od dishonesty takes palce basicaly in marketing.
I think that we should also think why people commit benefit fraud. The reasons could be different:
• Financial need
• Inflexibility of benefit system
• Low propability of fraud being detected
• Misunderstanding and unitentional over-claims.
Some people practise benefit fraud on a small scale beacause of need. They take from work things which they need and which they need, like copy paper, pens or they copy books for their children not paying for it, use company phones to private conversations(enlarging companies bils).

Emloyees could also trade in informaion with competitors. Such behaviour caused lostings to comapny.

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