
It is better to live in the village than in the city.

poleca 85% 102 głosów


I do not agree with this. I think that life in the city is always more exciting and more comfortable than life in a small town. Many people move to big cities, became there are very reasons, which we ought to know. In the city there is always something interesting and it is impossible to be bored.
First of all, in cities there is usually something to do or something to go. There are many sports facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts and pitches. There are also places for children and teenagers, where they could play. In a big city we can may meet a lot of people, also foreigners.
Another thing is that in big cities it is easier to find a good job and there are better educational opportunities than in villages. There are some libraries, computer cafes. The young have better chances of good start in their life.
It is also very important for people that in a big city is always electricity, TV and it is easier to get a telephone installed. communication is also better, there are a lot of buses, trains and tramways.
Summing up living in the city is easier. It is a place where we can find a good job, meet interesting people and we have very good communication.

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