
Extreme sports

poleca 85% 133 głosów


This is a question for adventurers. They fly jets across desserts, dive in unexplored caves, explore African rivers. But we, “normal” people who only walk with our dogs or watch football matches on TV don’t understand them.
They want to experience something more than their normal lives can offer. If one of them is a secretary, she could wait for weeks, months or years for one event in the office.
On the other hand, they want to forget about their everyday problems. They say you can’t be concerned with business phone calls when you are jumping out of an air balloon or the 200 meters high bridge.
They are also interested in testing their own abilities. In our normal lives we can’t test them. Nevertheless, we can test our abilities, when our car breaks down, when we must paint kitchen or repair a leaking tap.
They like to feel the adrenaline. They say little fear makes the brain work faster. They can’t live without adrenaline from time to time and they love their extreme sports.

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