
Teenagers and leisure activities.

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Nowadays there are lots of kinds o us, teenagers. Most of us waste a lot of time sitting in front of a computer screen. But some of us don't anything else, and it is addiction. We also have another very important need - clubbing, going out meeting with our friends. For lots of young people, friends are more important then family but it generally changes when they grew up and become adults. So, we love to meet our friends and do with them less or more strange things. To less strange activities belongs: riding a bike, listening music, going to discos, going to concerts, playing cards, travelling, going to swimming pool. And some of crazy teenagers love to do strange things for example: making a new kind of music, making jokes to their teachers, researching old cementaries, somebody’s yards, swimming in the sea of night. All of activities (less or more strange) are every enjoyable for me. and there is one very popular activity – sitting oa the block of flates on a bench and doing absolutley nothing and for some people (not only teenagers) it is very enjoyable.

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