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Chocolate is perhaps one of most important products that we produce. Try to imagine how your life would look like without sweets. It is used not only in chocolate bars that we all love, but also in many other products like cakes, and even in things that are not connected with sweets. First of all we need to know what is chocolate made of. Of course the main ingredient is cocoa which is grown in tropical countries near the equator.

It needs a hot climate and plenty of sun. Almost as much important as cocoa is sugar, however nowadays chocolate without sugar is also produced, but in my opinion is not as good as the original one. The chocolate industry is absolutely enormous. In Britain alone, 60,000 people are employed. The United Kingdom exports 70,000 tonnes of chocolate each year. It is said that the industry produces at least twenty billion pieces of chocolate a year! There are many kinds of chocolates starting with most popular milk chocolate and ending with chocolates that contain nuts or other tasty ingredients.

Chocolate is a good source of energy. It can contain up to 40% fat and 50% sugar. It is used for example by mountain climbers because it is easy to carry and it gives you a lot of energy. But other types of food can also provide us with energy, and sometimes too much fat and sugar is bad for us. I think that although chocolate may be bad for your health if you eat too much, it is an important part of our everyday life, and I can not imagine our life without it.

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