
Our miracle brains

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Nowadays everybody is expected to be smart, well-educated, qualified and funny as well as self-confident and good looking. If you feel that you are not in a position to fulfill all these expectations, this is something you have to read!

People think that they can improve their abilities only by learning, studying or reading. They are not aware of the influence that food has on our organisms. Of course we know that products like coffee and fast food are unhealthy, however, we forget about some essential details in our everyday diet.

Jean Carpet is an author of books such as ‘Food-Your Miracle Medicine’ and ‘The Food Pharmacy”. She describes food as a factor that seriously affects our lives, health and mood. In her last book ‘Your miracle brain’ she reminds us some facts utterly connected with the brain. Although most people think that one is born with a genetically determined brain which has an unchangeable size, this is not true! The brain is a growing and constantly changing organ. Brain cells are more sensitive that other body cells, so some food we eat can cause several serious changes in its work.

Jean Carper is not a doctor, and this can be the reason why her books are so interesting even for people who do not care too much about their health or diet. Some useful tips about ways of maximizing brain power, lifting mood or sharpening one’s memory are something that each of us should not only read, but also remember. If you believe in the power of your brain, others will treat you more seriously!

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