
Wojna jest wyłącznie źródłem nieszczęścia, a ponieważ bez wojska nie byłoby wojen, wszystkie państwa powinny zrezygnować ze swoich armii. Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz i uzasadnisz swoją opinię na ten temat.

poleca 86% 106 głosów


„Test 1” Zad. 9/7

The only outcome of the war is a disaster. Without armed forces there would be no wars, so all countries should give up on maintaining an army. I strongly disagree with this view. In my opinion every state should have an army.
Firstly, in the days of continuous struggle to gain the authority over the world nobody can be trusted. What would happen if all countries obeyed to dissolve armies, one did not and used it to their advantage? Result of this situation would be probably wagging the war on the rest of the world.
What is more, professional armies are inevitable not only during the war. In the peacetime, but in case of any kind of natural disaster, they are having a battle with nature. For instance, main tasks for troops are helping to extinguish fires, distribute foods, drinking water and medicines.
However, supporters of pacifism theory claim that disputes between nations should and can be settled peacefully. Consequently, there would be no more violent demonstrations of physical power. Different arguments between countries must have been settled using means of persuasion with a lot of diplomacy and mediation skills.
Despite the fact that pacifist's opinion is really strong, I still argue that every country should have an army. Due to diverse cultures conflicts are unavoidable and any nation cannot be deprived of the ability to defense. Also, without a disciplined units of soldiers state may not manage to cope with consequences of natural disasters.

WORDS: 245

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