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Cloning technology can create more efficient vegetables or other plants. About two years ago scientists from one of the Japanese biotechnology companies created a cubic water-melon.
Genetic engineering is used to create animals with special qualities, like genetically altered sheep, which can produce human insuline.
Reproductive cloning can be used to repopulate endangered species or animals difficult to breed, like pandas.
Cloning technology can be used to generate tissues and organs for transplantation, without the risk of rejection.
Clones may be born with genetic defects. For example Dolly was prone to obesity.
Some of cloned animals died mysteriously, although they appeared healthy and energetic.
Ethical concerns about destroying embryos in the process of cloning. Dolly was one of 276 attempts...

The first animal was cloned in 1952. It was a tadpole.
Dolly was cloned in 1997 by Ian Wilmut at Roslin Institute in Edinburgh.
It was the first mammal cloned from the cell of an adult animal. The
celebrity sheep was put down by lethal injection at age 6. Dolly had been
suffering from lung cancer and arthritis.


biotechnology - biotechnologia
cubic - sześcienny
a water-melon – arbuz
genetic engineering – inżynieria genetyczna
genetically altered – przekształcone genetycznie
endangered species – gatunki zagrożone wyginięciem
to breed – rozmnażać
a tissue – tkanka
transplantation – transplantacja, przeszczep
risk of rejection – ryzyko odrzucenia
prone – skłonny
an obesity – otyłość
a concern – niepokój
an embryo - embrion
an attempt – próba
a tadpole – kijanka
lethal injection – śmiertelny zastrzyk
a lung – płuco
arthritis - artretyzm

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