
Crime in the 21st century

poleca 85% 101 głosów


In the 21st century, crime has become a great problem of every society. Criminals appear everywhere and they are more and more aggressive. They act with no remorse (bez skrupułów). A few years ago, no one would think about things that criminals do now. They stopped working at night – today, it’s nothing unusual if you get robbed by some young criminals at noon. The worse thing is, that weapons are often involved in such attacks. Moreover, these goys don’t worry about anybody walking around, they do it before everybody’s eyes (na oczach wszystkich). The problem is that nobody wants to stop it, because they’re afraid that they might get hurt. For car crooks it’s a perfect situation – they break a window in a car, get inside and either steal a radio or something else, or take the car and run away. Crime wouldn’t be such a big problem, if the police worked properly. But in our country policemen are also afraid of criminals. Moreover, a part of the police officers is bribed (przekupieni), so they don’t care about what’s going on. They don’t have enough training to take care of young and muscled guys [;)] and they how to use their guns. These facts show us, how big the problem of criminals got nowadays (w dzisiejszych czasach) and that there’s still nothing happening about it.

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