
Being healthy and keeping fit - przygotowana lekcja

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Being healthy and keeping fit

What do we mean by health:
· Never suffering from anything more than a headache, mild cold or stomach upset
· Living to be very old and enjoying life
· Hardly ever going to the doctor and taking any pills or medicines
· Having all the parts of the body in perfect working condition
· Being the right weight for my height and eating healthy food
· Being able to run for a while without getting out of breath
· Feeling always glad to be alive and being never interested in death
· Never smoking or taking drugs and practising sports

The simplest guide to healthy eating:
· Eat a lot of fresh food and vegetables because they contain vitamins and minerals
· Eat whole grain bread
· Give priority to lean meat, fish and poultry over fatty meat products
· Avoid sugar and products with sugar added – cakes, sweets, ice-cream, soft drinks and so on. Remember that sugar contain nothing but calories – no vitamins, no minerals, no proteins. That is why sugar gives us “empty calories”. Besides sugar rots your teeth and makes you overweight.
· Eat regularly at least four times a day. It is better to eat even six times a day but in small amounts than two big meals.
· Remember that your diet should not only be balanced but also varied.
· By eating healthy food you will give yourself the best chance of having a long and happy life.

Keeping fit:
If you want to keep fit and maintain good health do the following at least once a day:
· Make all muscles of your body, all your joints and tendons move in every possible way from the top to bottom and back. Remember, whoever does not work, does not live.
· Make physical efforts, whatever kind you like, until you perspire.
· Give you lungs enough fresh air.
· Don’t eat until you are hungry. Exeptions can be only made for fresh friut and vegetables as well as for juices, which are assimilated even in the absence of appetite. You should bear it in mind that eating wuthout an appetite is one of the dullest forms of suicide!
· Expose your body to palpable changes of temperature. Take a cold shower or hot and cold by contrast followed by a vigorous rubdown. You should relise taht temperature contrasts are as natural and necessary for your body as the change from day to night is for nature.
· Apart from sleeping at night, set aside at least a few minutes for state of complete composure and muscular relaxation, and for confidential self- communication in the daytime. Practise auto-suggestion or simply doze forgetting all your anxieties. Say to yourself : “I’m well, I’m calm, I’m prepared to face any situation”.
· Find an opportunity for at least one little joy and smile.
This method of keeping fit may seem to be very easy and therefore within everybody’s reach. In effect, you must exercise great willpower, patience and persistence.

Stomach upset- rozstrój żołądka
Whole grain bread – chleb razowy (z całych ziaren)
Lean meat- chude mięso
Poultry –drób
Soft drinks – napoje bezalkoholowe
To rot- psuć
Overweight – nadwaga
Balanced – zrównoważony
Varied – urozmaicony
To maintain – zachować
Joint – staw
Tendon – ścięgno
To perspire – spocić się
Palpable – namacalne
Rubdown – nacieranie
Composure – spokój, opanowanie
To doze – drzemać
Anxiety – lęk, troska
Persistence – wytrwałość
Willpower – siła woli
Patience – cierpliwość

How healthy is your diet?

Section A
1. What type of milk do you usually use?
· Ordinary
· Semi-skimmed
· Skimmed
2. How do you spread margarine or butter on bread?
· Thickly
· Medium
· Thinly
3. How often do you eat biscuits, cakes or pastries in a week?
· 6 or more times
· 3-5 times
· Once or twice
· Very occasionally or never
4. How often do you eat sweets, chocolates and confectionery in a week?
· 6 or more times
· 3-5 times
· Once or twice
· Very occasionally or never
5. How often do you eat chips or crisps in a week?
· 6 or more times
· 3-5 times
· Once or twice
· Very occasionally or never
6. How often do you eat sausages, meat pies or burgers in a week?
· 6 or more times
· 3-5 times
· Once or twice
· Very occasionally or never

The lower your score for Section A the better. Below 10 is really good. Above 25 suggests you need to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.

The higher your score for Section B the better.
A score above 30 is very good. Less than 10 and changes are needed to increase the amount of bread, cereals, potatoes, fruit and vegetables in your diet.

You should aim to have a low score for A and a high score for B, which means a diet which is, overall, low in fat and high in cereals, bread, fruit and vegetables.

Section B
1. How many slices of bread (or equivalent in rolls or chapattis, etc.) do you eat most days?
· 6 or more
· 4-5
· 2-3
· 1 or less
2. How often do you eat boiled or baked potatoes, rice, pasta or noodles in a week?
· 6 or more times
· 3-5 times
· Once or twice
· Very occasionally or never
3. How many potatos (about the size of an egg) do you usually eat as part of a meal?
· 5 or more
· 4
· 3
· 1-2
4. How many times in a week do you eat a breakfast cereal?*
· 6 or more times
· 3-5 times
· Once or twice
· Very occasionally or never
*(Add 2 points if it is usually a wholewheat or wholegrain variety)
5. How many portions of fruit and vegetables (fresh, frozen or tinned) do you eat every day?
· 6 or more
· 3-5
· 2
· 1 or less

If your score for A is greater than for B then you really do need to make a change in your diet. To help show where you can make the necessary changes look again at your answers. The questions in Section A which gave you a high score, and those in Section B which gave you a low score are the areas to concentrate on.

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